Acrylic, waterproof, colored decorative plaster in paste form (White or colored)


BIOPLASTER is a colored, pasty, acrylic plaster, ready to use, in a DÉCOR & GRAFIATO look. Suitable for outdoor and indoor applications.  It is used as a top coat on substrates such as base or single coat plasters, concrete, plasterboards, cement boards, etc. It is ideal as a top coat for external thermal insulation systems. It complies with: EAD 040083-00-0404, ETA 20/0778 – 20/0699 – 19/0472, for the BIOPANOPLY (EPS, XPS, WOOL) external thermal insulation systems of MARMODOM as a decorative finishing plaster. It ensures full water repellency and eliminates the risk of cracking. No painting of the plastered surfaces is required. Homogeneous, ready-to-use, industrial product of consistently high quality. It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.

Composition & Features

Mixture of acrylic emulsion of high elasticity and crushed marble of strictly selected granulometry and quality, enriched with special improving additives.

  • The substrate must be firm, dry and clean of any kind of residues (plasters, powders, paints, oils, etc.).
  • The product is stirred very well and applied using a smooth metal putty knife. The thickness of the application layer ranges from 1.0 mm to 3.5 mm and depends on the granulometry of the product and the roughness of the substrate.
  • For best results, the finishing of surfaces should be carried out after plastering without intermediate interruptions and without the use of wetting water. • Finishing is carried out with a hard plastic or styrofoam float.
  • The DÉCOR look is best achieved with small circular movements of the float.
  • The GRAFIATO look is best achieved with long circular movements of the float followed by longitudinal movements in the desired direction.
  • The exact processing time depends on the substrate and the environmental conditions.
  • The application temperature should be between +5 oC and +35 oC.
  • For best results, before applying BIO PLASTER, the substrate should be prepared with BIOPRIMER primer.
  • In particular in the case of shades, it is important to first apply BIOPRIMER in the same shade as the shade of BIOPLASTER.
Packaging & Storage
  • In 25kg containers on pallets.
  • In sealed containers and in a dry environment, protected from frost and prolonged exposure to strong sunlight for 12 months from the date of production.

From 1.5 kg/m2 to 3.5 kg/m2, depending on the granulometry, substrate type and the required finish.

DECOR FINE (1.0 mm) ~2.0 kg/m²
DECOR STANDARD (1.3 mm) ~2.5 kg/m²
DECOR THICK (1.6 mm) ~3.0 kg/m²
GRAFIATO STANDARD (1.3 mm) ~2.5 kg/m²
GRAFIATO ROUGH (2.4 mm) ~3.5 kg/m²


Technical Specifications

Specifications: EN 15824:2017 / EAD 040083-00-0404


Granule sizeFrom 0.0-0.8 mm Up to 0.0-2.4 mm
Adhesion>1.0 MPa
Thermal conductivity λ10, dry0.65 W/m.K
Water absorption0.1<W<0.5 kg/m2. h0.5 (W2)
Vapor permeabilitysd<0,14m (V1)
Fire reactionCategory B

Although the specifications and guidelines set out in this bulletin have been prepared to the best of our skills, knowledge and experience, they should be taken as indicative and require verification after many applications. Users to whom this product is addressed should verify its suitability for the intended application. The end user is responsible for any result of the use of the product.