Fast setting repairing plaster

TE 75 FAST is used as a repairing plaster on interior and exterior surfaces made of common building materials. It is suitable for quick minor repair works, which usually occur after or before the crews’ works (plumbers, electricians, air conditioning experts, tilers, aluminum frames fitters, painters, etc.), as well as for the repair of small cracks, broken corners, etc.

  • It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.
  • It has high mechanical strength, excellent adhesion and resistance to humidity and frost.
  • It has similar granulometry to common plasters, resulting in the same final finishing effect on the repaired small or large surface.
  • It can also be used for attaching corner beads and for any minor works on the construction site and where a speedy repair is required.
Composition & Features

Mixture of high specifications white cement, water lime, crushed marble of selected granulometry and quality, enriched with polymers and special improving additives.

  • The substrate should be clean and firm, and it is recommended that it be wetted before application, especially during the summer months.
  • The contents of the bag are gradually added to clean water (approximately 5.6-5.8 l/bag) using an electric mixer at low speed, or a traditional concrete mixer, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Application is done by hand. After applying the plaster, the surface is smoothed with a metal bar or putty knife.
  • Once the plaster has set to a satisfactory degree (the time required depends on the weather conditions, the thickness of the applied plaster, the substrate, etc.), it is finished by hand, using a suitable wet float to give the desired final appearance.
  • The whole process, from application to sanding the surface, is done in less than 25 minutes.
  • The application thickness should not exceed 2 cm per layer.
  • The application of the plaster should be carried out at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C.
  • An overdosage of water, in excess of the recommended amount, may contribute to the formation of cracks, a reduction in adhesion and the general strength of the product.
  • The TE 75 FAST plaster contains cement which is classified as an irritant. Consult the safety instructions and precautions listed on the Safety Data Sheet of the product.

Packaging & Storage

In bags of 25 kg, on pallets. 12 months from the date of production, in original intact packaging. Stored in a shaded and dry place, protected from moisture and frost.


Approximately 12.0-13.0 kg/m2 for a thickness of 1.0 cm, depending on the substrate

Technical Specifications
FormCementitious mortar
Granule size< 1.3 mm
Bulk density1700 ± 100 g/l
Water consumption~5.6-5.8 l/bag 25 kg
Damp mortar density1750 ± 100 g/l
Hardened mortar density1535 ± 100 g/l
Pot life (22 °C)~ 1 hour
Adhesion1.6 N/mm22FP:B
Resistance to compression4,4 ± 0,3 N/mm22
Resistance to bending1.8 ± 0.2 N/mm22
Vapor permeability coefficient (μ)μ ≤ 12
Capillary water absorption0.30 kg/m2min0.5
Thermal conductivity λ(10, dry)0.57 W/m∙K