Aqueous-based polyurethane sealing membrane

MARMOFLEX PU W is a spreadable, polyurethane/aqueous based flat roof sealant. After the application, it forms a single joint-free membrane that offers complete sealing, excellent adhesion to surfaces such as concrete, metal, wood, old or new polyurethane or acrylic membranes and high resistance to weather changes (standing water, solar radiation, frost) and mechanical stress (accessible flat roofs). It is suitable for applications on concrete flat roofs, concrete slabs, mosaic or decorative cementitious mortar. Homogeneous, ready-to-use industrial product of consistently high quality. It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.

Composition & Features

• Mixture of polyurethane dispersions of high elasticity, enriched with special improving additives. • It complies with the specifications: EN 1504-2, concrete surface protection products/systems.


• The substrate must be clean, dry and firm. • Wooden and metallic tips should be cut to a depth of approximately 3 cm and then covered with REFIXCEM fiber-reinforced repair mortar. REFIXCEM is also used for the healing of concrete nests. • At the points where the floor joins the wall, it is recommended to form a curvilinear tough approximately 10 cm wide with REFIXCEM. • Any cracks on the surface are filled with REFIXCEM. Then, after REFIXCEM has hardened, a layer of MARMOFLEX PU W is applied locally and while it is still damp, a suitably cut piece of 5×5 mm fiberglass mesh or polyester fabric is embedded. Finally, a second layer of MARMOFLEX PU W is applied to fully cover the reinforcement. • Before applying MARMOFLEX PU W, the surface must be primed with the special primer MARMOFLEX PRIMER. • The first coat of MARMOFLEX PU W is applied with a brush or a roller after the primer has dried. The first coat is applied diluted with 5% water. The second one is applied without dilution, crosswise and after the first one has dried completely (usually 24 hours are required). The recommended thickness per coat is ~1 mm; • In areas of severe cracks and bonds or joints, in addition to the local use of 5×5 mm fiberglass mesh reinforcement or polyester fabric mentioned above, it is recommended to apply the reinforcement over the entire surface. The reinforcement is placed immediately after the first coat of MARMOFLEX PU W has been applied, while it is still damp. • The overlap thickness of the reinforcement strips should be approximately 10 cm. The second coat should completely cover the reinforcement. • Application temperature between +10 oC and +40 oC. • MARMOFLEX PU W should not be applied under humidity conditions and when it is estimated that there will be humid weather or rain • Metal surfaces must be protected against corrosion. • For higher requirements and in cases of covering heavy cracks (crack width of >1.5 mm) of the flat roof, reinforcement of the membrane with polyester fabric and a third coat of MARMOFLEX PU W is deemed necessary. • The membrane acquires its final properties after 7 days. • Clean all tools and application accessories with water immediately after use and before the product has set. Hardened material that has cured can only be removed mechanically.

Packaging & Storage

• In containers of 13 kg, 4 kg. • In sealed containers and in a dry environment, protected from frost and direct sunlight, for 24 months from the date of production.


Approximately 1.0 – 1.2 kg/m2 for a 1 mm thick layer, depending on the substrate

Technical Specifications

Specifications: EN 1504-2, concrete surface protection products/systems

FormWhite paste
Viscosity ~6500 mPa.s
Density ~1.36 kg/l
Consumption1.0-1.2 kg/m2
Deformation under maximum tension (ASTM D 412 – 06a)2475.15 ± 33.04 %
Deformation under breaking (ASTM D 412-06a)2 486.57 ± 33.30 %
Tensile strength (ASTM D 412-06a)22,28 ± 0,16 MPa
Maximum deformation tension (ASTM D 412-06a)234.95 ± 2.15 N
Elasticity measure (ASTM D 412-06a)1.83 ± 0.10 MPa
Adhesion strength (EN 1542:2001)2.54 N/mm22
Shore A hardness (ASTM D2240)68
Operating temperatureFrom -15 °C to +80 °C
Water absorption coefficient (EN 1062-3:2008)0.00 kg/m2 min0.5
Permeability of CO2 (EN 1062-6:2002 Method A)1.7 g/(m2d)
Resistance coefficient μ ( EN 1062 – 6:2002 Method A)14536
Sd coefficient (EN 1062-6:2002 Method A)154.08 m
Vapor permeability L (ISO 7783-1:1999)0.00307 g/cm2d-1
Diffusion resistance coefficient μ (ISO 7783-1:1999)451.4
Sd coefficient (ISO 7783-1:1999)4.78