
Single coat plaster

MW200 is used as a single coat plaster on interior and exterior surfaces. It is also suitable for various repair works. Homogeneous, ready-to-mix, industrial product of consistently high quality. It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.  

Composition & Features

Mixture of high specifications white cement, crushed marble of strictly selected granulometry and quality, hydrated lime and special improving additives.

  • Classification according to standard EN 998-1: 2016 as a plaster of type: OC, CS II, Wc2
  • Granule size < 1.3mm



• The substrate must be clean and firm and it is recommended that it is wetted before application. • The contents of the bag shall be gradually added to clean water (approximately 8.0 l/bag) using traditional concrete mixers or modern plastering machines. MW 200 is applied over the mortar coat for “gunite” (GM 50), either by hand using a trowel or directly with the plastering machine. • To prevent cracks & stresses between different types of substrates, such as concrete, bricks, aerated concrete blocks, insulating boards, etc., the use of fiberglass mesh sheets is required. Apply first 1/3 of the plaster, then the fiberglass mesh sheet and finally the remaining 2/3 of the plaster. • After the application, the surface is smoothed with a metal bar (level). To protect exposed corners from possible damage and for surface smoothing purposes, use corner beads. • After the plaster has set to a satisfactory degree (the time required depends on the weather conditions, the thickness of the applied plaster and the substrate), the plaster is smoothed by hand, by rubbing it in a circular motion using a float with a hard wet sponge. For best results, afterwards use a float with a dry sponge. • The application of the plaster should be carried out at temperatures between +5 oC and +35 oC. Ready-mixed plasters should not be applied directly onto plaster walls or plaster mortars, except under the responsibility of the user and after an acrylic primer has been applied. The overdosage of water reduces the expected quality of the products. Ready-to-mix plasters contain cement which is classified as an irritant. Consult the safety instructions and precautions listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet of the product.

Packaging & Storage
  • In bags of 40 kg, on pallets or in bulk in silos.
  • In a dry place where frost does not form, for 12 months from the date of production, in unopened bags.

Approximately 12.0-13.0 kg/m2 for a thickness of 1.0 cm, depending on the type of substrate and its preparation.

Technical Specifications

Specifications: EN 998-1:2016

EN 998-1:2016
Reaction to fireClass A1
Adhesion after ageing cycles≥ 0.3 N/mm22 FP:B
Water permeability after ageing cycles≤ 1 ml/cm2 after 48 h
Vapor permeability coefficient (μ)μ ≤ 12
Thermal conductivity λ10, dry0.61 W/m*K
Consumption12-13 kg/m2
Resistance to compression4.1 ± 0.3 N/mm22
Resistance to bending1.6 ± 0.2 N/mm22

Although the specifications and guidelines set out in this bulletin have been prepared to the best of our skills, knowledge and experience, they should be taken as indicative results and require verification after many applications. Users to whom this product is addressed should verify its suitability for the intended application. The end user is responsible for any result of the use of the product.