Μortar for aerated concrete blocks 25kg

POROBOND 50 is used as an adhesive mortar in the construction of masonry with aerated concrete blocks and any type of highly porous building materials. It is also used for sealing the joints between them and smoothing their surfaces. Homogeneous, ready-to-mix, industrial product of consistently high quality. It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.

Composition & Features

• Mixture of high quality white cement, crushed marble with selected granule size, enriched with polymers and other special improving additives. • It complies with specifications: EN 998-2:2003, M10, W2. Granule size <0.7 mm.


• The substrate must be clean and firm. • The contents of a bag are mixed with clean water (approximately 5.5-6.0 l/bag) using an electric mixer at low speed or a traditional mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The mixture remains workable for 3 to 4 hours (depending on the ambient temperature). Periodic stirring without adding additional water is required. The mixture is applied with a simple or serrated trowel. • The application of POROBOND 50 and the positioning of the structural elements in their final position should be completed within a maximum of 10-12 minutes. • The final surface should be protected from rapid water loss as well as extreme weather conditions. If necessary, the surface should be wetted with clean water. • At the application stage, the temperature should be between +5 oC and +35 oC. Before starting the application of the prepared mix, the cellular concrete blocks must be fully wetted with clean water, especially if the ambient temperature is high. Before plastering the walls, it is recommended to apply BOARDPRIMER primer. POROBOND 50 contains cement which is classified as an irritant. Consult the safety instructions and precautions listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet of the product.

Packaging & Storage

• In bags of 25 kg, on pallets. • In a dry place where frost does not form, for 12 months from the date of production, in unopened bags.


5.0-8.0 kg for 1 m2 of wall, depending on the type and size of the building elements.

Technical Specifications

Specifications: EN 998-2:2003, M10, W2.


Granule size0.0-0.8 mm
Apparent dry mortar density1500 kg/m3
Capillary water absorption (Cm)0.2 kg/m2. min0.5
Consumption2.5-4.0 kg/m2
Resistance to compression≥ 28.6 N/mm22
Resistance to bending≥ 5.4 N/mm22

Although the specifications and guidelines set out in this bulletin have been prepared to the best of our skills, knowledge and experience, they should be taken as indicative results and require verification after many applications.  Users to whom this product is addressed should verify its suitability for the intended application.  The end user is responsible for any result of the use of the product.