Elastic tile adhesive C2TES1 of “GEL” technology

Top quality and high performance tile adhesive with GEL technology. HYFLEX 1000 ensures strong and elastic bonding and high workability in a wide range of applications. It is suitable for laying tiles of all types on absorbent or non-absorbent substrates, internal or external, on horizontal or vertical surfaces.

  • Wide range of mixing water
  • .

  • Excellent workability
  • Nil slip
  • Extensive open time
  • Resistant bonding in demanding conditions, including underfloor heating, swimming pools, steam rooms and substrates subject to vibration or deformation
  • Layer thickness up to 15 mm
  • Fireproof
Composition & Features

A mixture of high specifications white cement and crushed marble of strictly selected granulometry and quality, enriched with polymers and special improving additives and minerals. It complies with EN 12004-1:2017 and is classified as: adhesive type C2TES1.

  • The substrate must be clean, firm, free of loose parts and rising moisture. We recommend wetting the absorbent substrates with clean water before applying this product or using a suitable primer (e.g. BOARD PRIMER).
  • The contents of the bag should be gradually added to clean water (approximately 5.6-6.8 l/bag) under continuous mixing, using an electric mixer at low speed, until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The mixture should be allowed to rest for 5 minutes and then stirred again before application.
  • The adhesive should be applied (“combed”) with a serrated putty knife with notches (6-20 mm) and the tiles should be laid within 30 minutes. The open time limits of the applied adhesive allow for any correction that may be needed for the final precise positioning.
  • If cementitious mortar has been applied to the substrate, its residual moisture content must be less than 2.5% prior to the application of the adhesive material.
  • During the application and for a few hours afterwards, exposure to extreme weather conditions (such as strong wind, rain, dust, direct sunlight, etc.) should be avoided and the temperature should be between +5 °C and 35 °C.
  • Grouting on floors can be done after 24 hours and on walls after 8-10 hours respectively.
  • If much more water is added than required, a reduction in adhesion and strength may occur.
  • In metal structures, a coat of corrosion protection should be applied in advance.
Packaging & Storage

• In bags of 20 kg, on pallets. • In a dry place where frost does not form, for 12 months from the date of production, in unopened bags.


1.5 kg/m2, per mm layer thickness, depending on the type and size of the tiles (overlay material) and the type of substrate.

Technical Specifications

According to EN 12004-1:2017 it is classified as: adhesive type C2TES1.

Granule size0.0-0.7 mm
Open adhesion time30 minutes
Apparent dry mortar density1570 ± 100 kg/m3
Adhesion at open adhesion time≥0.6 N/mm²
Adhesion in dry conditions≥1.6 N/mm2
Adhesion when immersed in water≥1.2 N/mm2
Adhesion under heating conditions≥1.8 N/mm2
Adhesion under freezing-thawing conditions≥1.2 N/mm2
Slip≥0.4 mm
Grouting on floors24 hours
Grouting on walls8-10 hours
Consumption2-4 kg/m2
Pot life4 – 5 hours
Micro-adjustments time30 minutes
Resistance to fireE
Mixing water5.6 – 6.8 l/bag 20 kg
Rigidity≥2.7 mm

HYFLEX 1000 contains cement which is classified as an irritant. Follow the safety tips and precautions listed on the product’s SDS. Although the specifications and instructions described in this report have been prepared to the best of our knowledge and experience, they should be taken as indicative and require verification after many applications. The intended users of this product must verify its suitability for the intended application. The end user is responsible for all results from the use of the product.