Repairing fiber-reinforced cementitious mortar

REFIXCEM is a high strength repairing mortar for restoring concrete elements or for embedding structural elements where high performance requirements are not specified and are not subject to fire reaction regulations. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

  • Homogeneous, ready-to-mix, industrial product of consistently high quality.
  • It ensures good workability, increased application speed, it is economical and provides excellent results.
  • It has high mechanical strength, excellent adhesion to the substrate and resistance to moisture and frost.
Composition & Features

Mixture of high specifications grey cement, crushed marble of strictly selected granulometry and quality, enriched with polymers, polypropylene fibers and special improving additives

  • The substrate must be clean and firm, and it is recommended that it is wetted before application.
  • The contents of a bag are mixed with clean water (approximately 4.0 l/bag) using an electric mixer at low speed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • The mixture remains workable for about 1 hour (depending on the ambient temperature).
  • It can also be applied with a trowel and putty knife like an ordinary plaster, up to a thickness of 6.0 cm in successive coats < 3 cm thick and after the previous coat has dried. During the summer months the surface should be protected to avoid sudden dehydration.
  • During the application stage, the temperature should be between +5 °C and +35 °C


Packaging & Storage

• In bags of 25 kg, on pallets. • In a dry place where frost does not form, for 12 months from the date of production, in unopened bags.


Approximately 17-19 kg/m2, for an application thickness of 1.0 cm, depending on the substrate.

Technical Specifications

Specifications: EN 1504-3 / R3.

FormCementitious mortar
Granule size< 2.4 mm
Bulk density1650 ± 100 g/l
Water consumption4.0 l/bag 25 kg
Density of damp mortar2100 ± 100 g/l
Density of hardened mortar2050 ± 100 g/l
Pot life (~22 0C)~1 hour
Chlorides content≤ 0.01%
Adhesion resistance≥ 3.5 N/mm22
Resistance to compression≥ 25 N/mm22
Resistance to bending≥ 7.0 N/mm22
Resistance to carbonationSuccessful
Capillary absorbency≤ 0.5 kg/m2min0.5
Freezing-thawing≥ 1.5 MPa
Elasticity measure≥ 15 GPa